If for some reason in the universe, you want to access the data on this site, you can!


Overview of how the API works

All api routes follow the following path: https://nemtudo.me/api/{route}

Docs help

requiredFields like this will always be sent in responses.
optional?Fields like this may or may not be sent in responses.

All requests returned the following json format:

statusnumberrequest status code
messagestringrequest message
datajsonthe response content. The fields are documented in the api routes below
errorsarrayif there are one or more errors, it will return an array with Error Object

Error Object:

If an error occurs, the error will have these fields

codenumbererror code
messagestringerror message

Description Object:

Very used in various API paths

titlestringdescription title
contentstringdescription content


Routes related to website

Checks if the site is working normally

Get a message and current site status


statusnumberwebsite status code
messagestringwebsite status message

Embed Generator

Routes related to the embed generator in links (https://nemtudo.me/embeds)

Create an embed

Create an embed so that a link can be generated.


You must send a request with the following fields in its body

title?stringembed title
author?stringembed author
description?stringembed description
image?stringembed image url
thumbImage?booleanappear as thumbnail in embed
color?stringembed color hex
video?stringembed video url

Will an objects with the following fields

idstringembed ID
removedbooleanembed removed for breaking terms of service
contentobjectobject Embed Content Object

Get an embed

Get the data of an embed.


Will an objects with the following fields

idstringembed ID
removedbooleanembed removed for breaking terms of service
contentobjectobject Embed Content Object

Embed Content Object:

title?stringembed title
author?stringembed author
description?stringembed description
image?stringembed image url
thumbImage?booleanappear as thumbnail in embed
color?stringembed color hex
video?stringembed video url


Routes related to projects

Get all projects

Get the list of all my projects, with some basic data.


Will return an array with objects with the following fields

idstringproject id
namestringproject name
iconstringproject icon url
descriptionstringshort project description

Get one project

Get the complete data of a project


idstringproject id
namestringproject name
iconstringproject icon url
descriptionstringshort project description
backgroundColorstringproject background color
descriptionsarrayarray with Description Object
buttonsarrayarray with Button Object
imagesarrayarray with Image Object
videoViews?numberif you have a video showing the project, it will be a number telling you how many views it has

Button Object:

hrefstringlink that will open when clicking the button
stylestringbutton importance
textstringtext that will be written on the button

Image Object:

urlstringimage url
descriptionstringimage description

Staff Guilds

Routes related to the servers I am on staff

Get all guilds

Get the list of all guilds I am on staff, with some basic data.


Will return an array with objects with the following fields

idstringguild id
namestringguild name
iconstringguild icon url
gificon?stringguild gif icon url
bannerstringguild banner url
rolestringmy guild role
membersstringapproximate number of members. (Exact value cannot be obtained by API, because of Discord Rate Limit)

Get one guild

Get the complete data of a guild


idstringguild id
namestringguild name
iconstringguild icon url
gificon?stringguild gif icon url
bannerstringguild banner url
rolestringmy guild role
membersstringapproximate number of members. (Exact value cannot be obtained by API, because of Discord Rate Limit)
invitestringguild invite url
descriptionsarrayarray with Description Object